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SUMMER SOCCER – Years 1&2, 3&4 and 5&6 – 10 December 2018


Happy Holidays to you all!

2018 has been a wonderful year and as I begin to reflect, I can’t believe how quickly it has gone! Thank you for sharing your children with me and allowing me to be a part of their learning journey. Enjoy a safe and relaxing holiday and see you all in the New...

Aboriginal Art

We made Bull Roarers which are originally from Australia.  They were used in the outbacks of Australia by the Aborigines to communicate to other tribes by spinning them over their heads. Firstly we had to sand the edges.  Some of us found it very tricky. After we...

Term 4 Highlights

Hi Parents, Well, just like that, the year is nearly at an end. It’s been a privilege teaching the students of class Korora, and I’m glad I’ll be seeing most of them around next year. Here’s a couple of highlights from the last few weeks…...

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