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Open Days

Families interested in seeing Wentworth College & Primary School are welcome to visit us at any time during a normal school day and see the school in action.  It is recommended that you call first to make an appointment.  2023 enrolments are currently available in most year levels.

Our Open Days happen throughout the year and are designed for you to see our academic, cultural and sporting facilities, and learn about the Cambridge International Exams and curriculum. Our open days are guided by our Head of College, senior staff and senior students and tours take approximately 90 minutes.

2023 Open Days (Wentworth Primary School and Wentworth College)

  • Wednesday 1st March
  • Wednesday 29th March
  • Wednesday 10th May
  • Wednesday 7th June
  • Wednesday 21st June
  • Wednesday 2nd August
  • Wednesday 16th August
  • Wednesday 20th September
  • Wednesday 18th October
  • Wednesday 15th November

Open Days 2023 - Register Now

Wentworth College Open Days 2023

If you wish to see both the College and the Primary School, please book 2 tours.

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09 424 3273




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